Labels Unwrapped
The Labels Unwrapped project was launched to address the frustration and confusion caused by food labels. Laws and regulations that govern the labeling of food products are complex and, in some instances, ambiguous. Because everyone eats food every day, the creators of this site wanted to unwrap the law behind the labels on various types of food products and provide an accessible informational resource for anyone who wants to better understand the language and imagery that can both inform and confuse consumers.
Center for Agriculture and Food Systems (CAFS)
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- What's On The Nutrition Facts Label?
- Weighing in on Egg Labels, Supply, and Demand
- Walnuts: Naturally Nutritious
- The Quicker the Better? Food Processing (Grades 6-8)
- The Quicker the Better? Food Processing (Grades 3-5)
- Stacking Up Milk and Milk Substitutes
- Nutritional Value of Fresh Produce
- Nutrients to Get Less Of (Grades 6-8)
- Looking Under the Label
- Hen House Engineering (Grades 9-12)
- Hen House Engineering (Grades 6-8)
- From Cow to Carton: Milk's Journey to the Consumer
- Fortified for Health
- FoodMASTER: Milk and Cheese
- FoodMASTER Middle: Fats and Oils
- FoodMASTER Middle: Weights and Measures
- FoodMASTER Middle: Energy Balance
- Evaluating Perspectives About GMOs
- Energy Bar Exploration
- Beef: Making the Grade
- Introducing the Nutrition Facts Label