Super Saturday Webinar
A Zoom Webinar for Educators with Hands-on Activities for use in the Classroom
Watch the Recordings Now!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 1: Welcome, Keynote Speaker and Ag TransPORTation Ag-Bite
Materials and Resources Needed:
- Source Search Lesson Plan
- National Agriculture in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix
- Themes for Learning Grades K-5
- Course Topics Grades 7-12
- Ag TransPORTation Ag-Bite
- Graph paper, pencil, scissors, tape and container of water to test design
Part 2: Make ‘N’ Take Sessions and Tasty Testing in the Classroom
Materials and Resources Needed:
- Acrostic Poems Worksheet
- Tops or Bottoms Ag-Bite
- Great Reads
- Fresno Farm to You Resources
- Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’ Lesson Plan
- Misc. Packing Materials, Tape, Scissors, Small Cardboard Box
- Fruit to pack
- Link ‘Ems Ag-Bite
- Link ‘Ems Supplies: Wool, Corn, Walnuts, Soybeans, Wood, Lotion, Packing Peanut, Sandpaper, Crayon, Rayon
- Comparing Apples and… Earth? Ag-Bite
- Apple and Knife
- Tasty Testing Ag-Bite
- Taste and Teach Resources