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California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom

What's Growin' On?

Each year, a new edition of What's Growin' On? joins the collection. The 16-page educational newspaper highlights California's vibrant and diverse agricultural industry with current and accurate information. A variety of activities, trivia, graphics and readings provide something for every learner. Activities are aligned to California Education Standards.
Grade Level: 3-8

Twenty-third Edition

Imagine Your Future in Agriculture

What's Growin' On?

Twenty-second Edition

Fields of Innovation

What's Growin' On?

Twenty-first Edition

Weather Wise

What's Growin' On?

Twentieth Edition

20 Years of  What's Growin' On?

What's Growin' On?

Nineteenth Edition

The Benefits of By-products

What's Growin' On?

Seventeenth Edition

Cultural Contributions to California Cuisine

What's Growin' On?

Fifteenth Edition

Agriculture and the Environment

What's Growin' On?

Fourteenth Edition

Celebrating California's Top Ten

What's Growin' On?

Thirteenth Edition

Let's Look at Water

What's Growin' On?

Twelfth Edition

Under the California Sun

What's Growin' On?

Ninth Edition

Farm to School Connections

What's Growin' On?

Eighth Edition

Cultivating Your Future

What's Growin' On?

Seventh Edition

Your Link to California Agriculture

What's Growin' On?

Sixth Edition

Planting Healthy Lives

What's Growin' On?

Fourth Edition

California Agriculture...More Than You Can Imagine!

What's Growin' On?

Third Edition

California's Colorful Bounty

What's Growin' On?