Imagine this... Story Writing Contest
The Contest
Writing contest for California based students, grades 3-8. Students select an agriculture topic, research it, and write a creative story, real or imagined.
Common Core State Standards (W.3-8.2,3)
High school art students illustrate the winning stories.
To Enter
Congratulations 2024-2025 Winners
2023-2024 Winners
2022-2023 Winners
2021-2022 Winners
Buy the book! - Imagine this... Stories Inspired by Agriculture 2024

Introducing the 2024 Imagine this... Stories inspired by Agriculture book!
- "Responsibility Can Be Fun!" written by Ethan Burton
- "Sebastian the Sheep" written by Colton Menezes
- "The Adventure of Spike and Fuzzy" written by Joey Vega
- "Hooty the Owl" written by Henry Moon
- "The Raindrop's Story" written by Braden Frantz
- "The Grand Champion" written by Shayna Gomes
- "The World's Best Librarian" written by Hailey Frantz
Get Inspired by Past Authors!
View all of the Imagine this...videos on YouTube!
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